Early Years Foundation Stage
We follow the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and provide a wide range of resources and activities to enable children to develop in these areas through play based learning.
Expressive arts and design
We encourage the children to be imaginative by offering resources which support creative role play and by allowing time and space to develop ideas. We enjoy singing, dancing and playing instruments in our large hall and painting and making in our classroom.
Understanding the World
We love being out and about with the children and enjoy exploring the local environment. We encourage an interest in nature and enjoy growing plants, visiting the allotments and exploring how and why things happen.
Personal, social & emotional development
We provide a warm and nurturing environment which helps children to grow in confidence and develop positive relationships with others. Children are encouraged to recognise and manage their feelings and to behave in an appropriate way.
Literacy, language & communication.
Children have access to a wide range of books and we read stories regularly. We play sound games such as I spy to help develop an awareness of letter sounds and encourage children to recognise and start to write their own names. We help the children to develop their communication and language skills by providing an environment in which what children say is valued and where adults spend their time listening to and modelling language. We read lots stories, sing songs and rhymes and develop children’s understanding by asking and answering questions.
Through play, children are given opportunities to count, measure, weigh and think about quantities. We play games involving numbers and enjoy doing lots of puzzles.
Physical Development
We encourage the children to be physically active and provide a wide range of climbing, balancing and wheeled toys to develop their coordination and control. Children are supported to make marks with pens and paint brushes and to use tools such as scissors and glue sticks to develop their fine motor skills.
Children are helped to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy food choices. We talk about the importance of exercise and ways to keep healthy and support children to become independent in their toileting and hand washing.